Grooming: They generally don’t require much grooming, as the biggest grooming task is cleaning up after their shedding. Others link the Akita to the Japanese Spitz – another Japanese dog breed – because of physical similarities between the two. Élevage d'Akita inu et de Chien-loup de Saarloos – Alsace. Avoid choosing an Akita if you are a first-time dog owner. Other grooming tips for an Akita include –. This dog breed was named after the Akita prefecture – a cold, rugged and mountainous region located in the island of Honshu in Northern Japan. Because of their strong predatory instincts, the Akita soon found itself aiding the police and guarding premises. Popis. Dad passed away about 6yrs later. Members of this dog breed lick themselves incessantly in a bid to remain clean. Rasa este inclusă în lista celor șapte monumente ale naturii. Key Breed FactsBreed CharacteristicsBreed HighlightsIntroductionHistoryAppearanceTemperamentIntelligence / TrainabilityChildren and Other PetsHealthCaring for a Members of this dog breed can easily get bored, which may result in destructive behavior. Prepare yourself for the onslaught, as you’ll likely vacuum your home tirelessly to get rid of the incessant fuzz. As a result, your Akita may start limping around painfully. Adaptability: Because they need daily exercise, an Akita stuck alone in an apartment all day will end badly. If it suffers from shock due to his heart being deprived of blood supply, it can potentially die if not immediately attended to. ×
They’re extremely cautious around strangers, making them great guard dogs. So unless the dog has been trained by its owner to socialize, you probably want to maintain a safe distance. Retrouvez près de chez vous des centaines d'annonces de Akita Inu à vendre. They picked him up on a bus & brought him home each afternoon. seven
The male Akita stands between 26 and 28 inches and weighs about 110 pounds (50 kilograms). This would ensure that while your Akita has the energy to remain active throughout the day, it would not pack on extra pounds. This disease impairs the canine’s vision to the point where it eventually becomes completely blind. Akita Inu, Japanese Akita. Check out our fine and formidable Akita Inu puppies for sale, from the finest, European breeders, and you can’t help but fall in love with these grand dogs. Our dogs are imported from champion Japanese lines with AKIHO and JKC pedigrees. Health-wise, there are some medical conditions that your Akita might suffer from. Akita Inu Alsace. Likewise, outdoor exercise is a great idea but choosing a park full of children and other animals is a complete no-no. The earliest generations of the Akita can be traced back to the 1600s’ and, like several other Asian dog breeds, was often associated with royalty. The Akita is a working class breed with a fearless and courageous personality. 37 likes. Akita Inu of Ikenohatade Élevage de Akita Inu à Jettingen (Haut-Rhin) Petit élevage de passionés en Alsace. However, don’t let this deter you from getting to know an Akita Inu. >>> EDIT : KŌKEI A TROUVÉ SA FAMILLE ! For a well-nourished Akita Inu, serve between 3 to 5 bowls of food daily. He went in & let her in daily. An Akita’s obsession with cleanliness is often likened to a cat. Akita Inu . Hachiko breathed his last in 1934, yet his saga of loyalty lives on. These dogs also love to play and interact with children. (having never lived by himself for over 50yrs). “Theres MY dog! 1day she too had passed quietly & quickly. That she might trip him etc. The Akita Inu is also known as Akita-ken, Japanese Akita, and These are a few points to consider when examining this breed’s temperament: Usually a pet dog loves being around children and an Akita is no exception. Because obedience does not come naturally to an Akita, it is difficult to train them. For an Akita, nothing is more sacred than the bond between the master and the dog. The dog kept a daily vigil at the train station for nine years in the hopes that its master would eventually return. îmi folosește datele personale în conformitate cu Declarația de confidențialitate și Politica privind modulele cookie și alte tehnologii similare.S.C. Ikue est saine (N/N) de MD et de NH. All the basics like brushing their teeth and coat are still needed. Dans la partie Élevage, je vous expose tout d'abord mes projets. Read on to learn more about the fluffy canines. Not that the grooming needs to be particularly detailed, but there are basic grooming necessary for these dogs. At times, the bones do not fit as snugly into the hip/elbow joint as intended, leading to inflammation of the area. Bathe the Akita at least once every two months, and more frequently if it has been rolling around on muddy surfaces; Check its ears every week for redness, infection, swelling or other problems; Wipe ears once a week with a cleaner to remove dirt and mites; Ideally brush its teeth once a week depending on what you feed it. I still had her brother JED who looked much different for several yrs after she passed. But if you observe these tips over a period of time, your beloved Akita will be primed for a well-being through many long years. All of our adults are health certified, well socialized, and beloved members of our family. They will guard and protect your child with the same fervor as they would in your case. I’d never knew much about the breed until our Vet pointed out all the similarities he saw that made him think she was mostly Akita. Akita inu se velmi dobře a rychle učí, a proto se často využívá při canisterapii, a to i u nás. The very 1st evening we saw that the minute Dad got up from his recliner & walked with his cane? Vous pouvez suivre leur évolution sur leur page dédiée – RDV page portées ou cliquez directement sur l’image du mariage ci-dessous. Because this is an inevitable part of an Akita’s upbringing, people who suffer from allergies or asthma must avoid choosing this dog breed. Propulsée dans le monde canin avec Chiyo, ma première chienne, l’Akita Inu est une passion depuis plus de 12 ans. J’ai la chance d’avoir fait de nombreuses… Má hrubou, rovnou srst s hustou podsadou. My Dad & the Akita-Elly Mae) were inseparable. I asked Dad if he wanted to keep her? Powerful that an Akita is, it is also fearless and courageous. Thank you so much for sharing that. The German Shepherd needs more exercise and may be better suited to families with small children or first-time dog owners. Let it participate in all family activities and remain in everyone’s company for as long as possible. Challenge this canine and you end up facing a formidable opponent who will fight until its very last vestige of courage. To ensure the Akita’s survival, a Japanese national breed club was founded in 1927. The Akita Inu is handsome, calm, dignified, clean (easy to housebreak), and quiet (seldom barks). Usually, households that keep an Akita are likely to have its fur spread over everything, from carpets and furniture to food. Without daily ‘work,’ it could put a strain on them both physically and mentally. Post-war, efforts were made to revive the original breed in Japan while several accompanied their new masters to America. Serve breed-formulated food since it is concentrated to cater to the growth requirements of the specific breed; Quantity of food on an average should not be too little or too less; Diet should facilitate slow and sustained growth so as to keep orthopedic problems at bay; Maintain meal times with your Akita so that he gets used to a particular eating schedule; Never feed an Akita pup human food since it is both unsuitable and inappropriate; Choose a commercial brand of dry food since they are high-quality and have a long shelf-life; Use canned food for flavor but serve in combination with dry food; Consider vegetarian meals as an option as long as they are wholesome. But we took her to Dad & watched her & Dad closely. Trouver un Akita Inu a vendre Acheter mon vous propose les annonces de chiots Akita Inu des éleveurs de Akita Inu partout en France. Upon meeting an Akita Inu for the first time, your instincts will tell you not to mess with this majestic canine. Location: Buena Park, CA. The only way to avoid it is for you to check the pup’s ancestry for this condition before buying. Though we took her to the Vet etc. Don’t be surprised if you find your Akita behaving like a cat in more ways than one. Not only will you have a tough time training it, but may also find its aggression a little difficult to handle. Kaiju Kennels is a family-owned Japanese Akita Inu kennel in Southern California. The Akita is a large, powerful dog with a decidedly sturdy appearance. }. What could be a better proof of this than the legendary tale of Hachiko. He sometimes forgot about her as soon as he went in his back door but Elly Mae went to a big window by his front door & would look in it at him & BARK! So do not make the mistake of entrusting training to someone else, as you will have lost your Akita’s faith. So it's understandable that he might be viewed as a desirable pet! Akita Inu vs German Shepherd: A German Shepherd has a bite strength with a PSI of 238 lbs. The Akita Inu is most similar to the Shiba Inu and Shikoku Inu. We named her “Elly Mae” & her brother “Jed”. You need to be firm with an Akita and establish yourself as the leader. In olden days, Akitas were sent out to hunt in pairs and soon proved its efficiency in tracking down the most elusive of prey. Nájdite čo potrebujete vo Vašej kategórii. Because of their thick coat, they can tolerate cold extremely well, but being out in the heat will take a major toll on them. Am înțeles că S.C. OLX Online Services S.R.L. La deuxième portée attendue était celle de Kara ! Though we let her sleep on the floor beside us nightly after that? The essence of this equation is built through training. The Akita (秋田犬, Akita-inu, Japanese pronunciation: [akʲita.inɯ]) is a large breed of dog originating from the mountainous regions of northern Japan.There are two separate varieties of Akita: a Japanese strain, commonly called Akita Inu (inu means dog in Japanese) or Japanese Akita, and an American strain, known as the Akita or American Akita. These dogs were originally found in the snowy mountains and were referred to as snow country dogs by the natives before they were named Akita. Prin clic pe butonul Inregistreaza-te, accept Termenii de utilizare. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. Akita Inu Breed History This courageous breed was named after the Akita prefecture on the island of Honshū where the dogs originated in Japan in the 1600s. Other than this, give your Akita the freedom to romp around the backyard and watch it relish its natural elements. Like other dog breeds, an Akita can also suffer from cancer of lymph nodes or bone. J’ai la chance d’avoir fait de nombreuses rencontres qui m’ont apporté de l’expérience, mais j’ai aussi énormément appris dans mes formations notamment celle de CynologisteTM. Tenshiyo Kensha Élevage Akita Inu - Alsace Suivez notre actualité canine … What a beautiful story about the undying loyalty of the Akita Inu. By doing so, you will enjoy the presence of a happy and healthy pet dog. Akita inu élevage – Alsace Ce site internet sert de vitrine à ma plus grande passion : l'Akita inu. By nature, an Akita is not exactly a social butterfly and requires plenty of social training to learn how to interact with strangers. Talk about loyalty. The moment Akita pups turn four months old, their growth is rapid enough to put them at the risk of bone deficiency. Caring for an Akita entails keeping it engaged. Surprisingly, it hardly barks, and prefers to express its opinions and intent through grunting, moaning and mumbling sounds. She was VERY submissive to them both (60lbs?) He had passed quickly early 1 morning & my husband found him just minutes after. The last thing you would want is for the child to inadvertently provoke an Akita into anger, because the consequences can be terrifying. Je to velký, svalnatý pes s výškou v kohoutku kolem 61 až 67 centimetrů. Plus she might have the right dispossession to be company for my Dad. Ils ont à présent tous rejoints leurs familles, attendus depuis longtemps. He was having problems sleeping. So if you’re a first-time dog owner, then avoid picking an Akita and instead settle for a breed that’s a lot more compliant. We let Elly Mae in to “sniff” her old friend before they took him away. Then back to the front door. Eventually during the latter half of the twentieth century, the Akita was reinstated as the national symbol of Japan. Failure to do so can lead to destructive behavior. Elly Mae backed up & got OUT of his way. Akita Inu (japonsky: 秋田犬, česky: akita-inu nebo akita-ken) je psí plemeno, které pochází z Dálného východu, přesněji z Japonska z ostrova Honšú.Toto plemeno je pojmenováno podle prefektury Akita, z níž pochází.Akita Inu tedy znamená „pes z Akity“. The food choices should be high in nutrients and low in calories. Akita Inu se bucură de o imensă popularitate în Japonia, unde sunt considerați simbol național. 135 talking about this. Himitsu a mis au monde 6 chiots, 3 femelles et 3 mâles. Having laid down the rules and maintained consistency, you can trust this canine with anything ranging from your kids to your life and everything in between. We watched Elly Mae around him. She never tripped him or got in his way once.
So the moment there is a deviation, this dog takes it as a personal affront and reacts with aggression. The breed are thought to have been created by an unnamed exiled nobleman. There is a possibility of your Akita getting agitated at every strange entity, no matter how hard you try to pacify it. While going out, do not leave it alone for stretches of long hours as it could render the canine indignant. She loved putting her head on the arm of his recliner for him to pet. Expect others to honor the boundaries that they set. She’s MY buddy & sleeps on the floor beside my bed or my recliner.” We get along JUST fine! This is another reason why its so crucial to buy a puppy Akita from a reputable breeder. Her always-coiled Spitz Type Tail went DOWN. In fact, they aren’t recommended if you have other pets (especially male dogs). Ikue, chienne-loup de Saarloos nous rejoint 6 ans plus tard, par pur désir d’en apprendre plus sur le comportement canin, en particulier des chiens dits « primitifs ». Petit rappel de son histoire : Parti de l’élevage à ses deux mois, il est de retour parmi nous en juin 2020 pour cause d’une mauvaise gestion qui l’a conduit à devenir réactif chiens puis humains. Akita Male, Available soon Jacksonville, North Carolina. Vyberajte z 18 inzerátov. It’s no surprise, though, since it was bred to hunt feral dogs in Japan. (& us). Legend has it that once an Akita identifies its master, it will stand by its commitment through hell, high-water and whatever else. THEY’RE NAMED FOR A REGION IN JAPAN. By grabbing your wrist, an Akita does not intend any harm, but is trying to lead you on to something. Phone: 661-KAIJUSO (661-524-5876) Email: The Akita Inu is a versatile hunting dog, able to hunt in inclement weather. Dad always had a BIG grin on his face when he 1st saw her & said “There’s my dog! Mouthing is what an Akita loves to do, and the objects that it carries could range from a leash, newspaper and keys. Cez 400 tisíc užívateľov za deň. Always monitor your Akita’s interaction with everyone. These dogs have often been compared to the Japanese Spitz as well, at least in terms of physical features. As an owner, you’ll need to incorporate grooming as part of your Akita’s daily routine. top 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world, Akita soon found itself aiding the police, being a national treasure in Japan in 1931, 15 Exotic Indian Dog Breeds Worthy of Bollywood, 10 “Dumbest” Dog Breeds & Why They’re Misunderstood. Watching your Akita go blind can prove to be a truly painful experience. Instead, it may vomit to relieve itself of the extra food or water. Having acquired one, you must train it yourself to be able to earn the canine’s respect. On your part, you can respect this instinctive nature by not keeping any other pets.
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