Read this Borderlands 3 guide to learn more about how to get the Legendary / Unique weapon, The Butcher! Face-puncher is a legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. I'm currently running the Face Puncher and 3 guns that have +x% melee damage. This means that it can be found by looting weapon caches and hoping for the best. Fl4k build by azorax. Deals melee damage. However, like all legendary weapons, it has some extra perks. Namely, even though it’s a gun, it deals melee damage. What it does is deliver a blast as powerful as your melee attack if all of the pellets hit. [Guide] Melee / Face-puncher formulas and analysis. The Face-puncher will receive the +75% melee damage increase from, The Face-Puncher does receive the weapon damage bonus from, The Face-puncher receives both gun and melee damage bonuses. If you combine this with the 100% melee damage on action skill end, it can dish out massive damage to enemies. Comments. Crit swap against bosses. Face-Puncher Weapon stats and overview. This shotgun is dropped by a powerful enemy in the game called One Punch. Because it deals that type of damage, enemies immune to melee and things … Yeah. So, if you’re not speccing your vault hunter towards melee attacks, then the Face Puncher is going to be quite weak. Similar … Gather Equipment – The Face Puncher. The Face-puncher has Hyperion - Shotgun Parts. The Face Puncher legendary shotgun is very unique weapon designed for players that have a melee focused build, and not really anyone else. You can help Borderlands Wiki by expanding it. Table of Contents. 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Check out various builds like ADL, Trapper, and Blitzer. Home » Guides » Borderlands 3 Face Puncher: How to Get, Stats & More. This Legendary Shotgun is a random drop from the Katagawa Ball, which you fight at the end of the mission Space Laser-Tag (Main Story). Model: Borderlands 3 is a looter-shooter.While you certainly do a lot of shooting, it’s all a means towards an end of getting sweet, sweet loot. The One Punch Man gun in Borderlands 3 is actually called the One Pump Chump. Ratch was the mobs I was using as an example, I had 5 following me, and I meleed 3 mobs one shot each but with the deep dive, each shot was only doing so little, I had to spam to kill. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Muldock, the Anointed located in Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6. Rarity: Borderlands 3: Use This Amara Build For Insane Melee Damage. The Borderlands 3 Face-Puncher is a Legendary shotgun that does basically one thing and one thing only - it deals melee damage scaling off your melee damage values. Face Puncher is a world drop in Borderlands 3. Man your own jackhammer. Gearbox. ". Face Puncher White Elephant Unforgiven. This Hyperion Shotgun is rather unique because the damage it deals is based on your character’s melee damage. 1 May 3, 2020 #4 A. The Face Puncher Shotgun is high in rarity amongst the weapons found in the wasteland. We have for you a complete list of each boss, where to find them, and the specific dedicated weapons and gear they are known to drop. Find out how to get & farm the Loot-o-gram from the Dinkle-Bot in Borderlands 3! Only registered users can post comments. Borderlands 3 – How to get Face Puncher Face-Puncher – Weapon Description. For more on Borderlands 3, be sure to check out our wiki guide for more tips and tricks, and read our scored review for our complete thoughts on the latest from Gearbox. A lot of hard-work went into this and I definitely appreciate it. Hot Liquid Love. Its damage output is increased by melee bonuses from all sources, so it can be very powerful with melee builds with a lot of such bonuses; but it also benefits from some (but not all) gun damage bonuses for even higher damage potential. First Borderlands game, Ist attempt at modding- this reference sheet is GOLD, thank you so much! Borderlands 3. Moze build by Liquid_San12. This article is a stub. Ammo problems with your favorite Shotguns? Grab a Face-Puncher and a Cutpurse Artifact to have full ammo instantly. Summary. This makes the Face-puncher's deal more damage than the character's normal melee attack. Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love has … Learn more about how to spawn the legendary item, how to farm it, and more! However, this value is already increased by the +60% melee damage blade the Face-puncher comes with, for an effective 306×7 without any other bonuses. – Always spawns with a melee accessory and absorbing frontal shield. On their adventure, randomly generated guns will appear, varying in rarity, quality, and value. However, if you design your character build to enhance melee damage, such as Amara’s green Brawl skill tree, then the Face Puncher will pack a serious erm, punch. I read that personal space don't count for face-punchers and I had 5 points in it totalling 60% increase but still, the gun damage is too lacking in comparison to my character's melee, I was hoping to … For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Face puncher? Which has its ups and downs. 1 Background 2 Involvement 3 Appearances 4 Strategy 5 Notes Handsome Jackie is a respawnable mini-boss encountered in Borderlands 3. Its damage output is increased by melee bonuses from all sources, so it can be very powerful with melee builds with a lot of such bonuses; but it also benefits from some (but not all) gun damage bonuses for even higher damage potential. Borderlands 3 Home / Borderlands 3 / Items / Shotguns / Face-puncher. Game: All melee bonuses are added together. We’ll get to that in a second…. The Borderlands 3 One Pump Chump shotgun is an incredible weapon, and while the stats will be dependent on your level when you take out One Punch Man, there's a … Your ultimate ragnarok mobile guide for Merchant, Blacksmith, and Whitesmith! Players can add furniture, design the interior and even expand it to make a mansion-like house. Face-puncher Face Puncher Dragon (Knife Drain) Amara build by Willy61 updated 6 months ago ... Borderlands 3 Level 65 JAKOBS FL4K Crit Build (Mayhem 11) The Fadeaway FL4K Build. The Face-puncher shotgun has relatively limited use, depending on your build, but it is ultimately a very, very interesting weapon that you might want to get your hands on. Borderlands 3 weapons come with random abilities, after all– it might take one drop or fifty to get a gun that suits a particular playstyle. Deep Dive Face Puncher Location & Guide. Legendary You can check out our guide for farming legendary weapons here, but in general you’ll want to do a loop of repeated boss kills on the highest mayhem mode difficulty you can handle while looting everything you can find, especially weapon caches. Handsome Jackie can be found in an area below the Observation Deck on Skywell-27. Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. It has the unique flavor text perk Man Your Own Jackhammer. As the Face-puncher deals melee damage, it cannot score a critical hit. The Face-puncher's ability should be considered an extension of the character's melee attack. Its stats, like most of the equipment in Borderlands 3, are randomized and leveled to your character. One such weapon is the Face Puncher legendary shotgun and in this guide we’ll break down how to get Face Puncher in Borderlands 3, and what its legendary flavor text perk does. AGONIZER 9000 / PAIN & TERROR. 353k. The Borderlands series has a history of including tons of references and Easter eggs, and it appears Borderlands 3 is no different. At level 50, the character's base melee damage is 1338, so each of the Face-puncher's pellets does 1338/7 = 191 damage by default (although some versions come with gun parts that alter this value). This means that it can be found by looting weapon caches and hoping for the best. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Face-Puncher is a Shotgun of the Legendary or Orange rarity in Borderlands 3. Type: Face Puncher is a world drop in Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 Face-puncher legendary shotgun is a new legendary weapon that you can get in the game. Borderlands 3 Eridium is the purple … Only parts that have an impact on this weapons stats are shown! Guide also includes Loot-o-gram usage and location! This build doesn't have any comments yet. Borderlands 3 is filled with incredibly powerful weapons that will help you put a hurting on the brutal bosses and other high-level enemies you’ll come across. In Borderlands 3 Quest Reward Items are rewarded after or during a … I'm 99% sure only the active gun counts. Parts with a number greater than 1 are more common. The Borderlands 3 Face-Puncher is a Legendary shotgun that does basically one thing and one thing only - it deals melee damage scaling off your melee damage values. Messages 775 Reaction score 206. Manufacturer: A gun for punching. Unique firing sound resembling a boxing glove punch. The_Vulcan: why do … Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. If the number is less than 1 means that the part less common than other parts. In Borderlands 3 there are infinite things to kill, bosses to overcome and mayhem levels to tackle all in the efforts to find your perfect legendary build. This is the biggest database I could find so far. However, it has a high chance of causing enemies to stumble on hit like a normal melee attack, and will cause the shields of Enforcers to be knocked back more often. Related: Borderlands Video Game Movie in The Works, Eli Roth To Direct. Look no further, got you covered! - Page 2. Damage: 121×14; Accuracy: 64%; Handling: 64%; Reload Time: 2.4s; Fire Rate: 2.20/s; Magazine Size: 8; As told earlier, the weapon actually shoots melee damage. Again, that’s not how it works and nothing was changed. Best of luck hunting for this shotgun, and remember to spec for melee! That's it. On Mayhem 10, the Face-puncher receives both normal gun scaling and does more damage from the mode's scaled melee damage. None It will also knock elemental barrels forward like a normal melee attack, instead of exploding them. The Face-puncher may come with a critical damage bonus despite being unable to score a critical hit. GrzesPL April 12, 2020, 8:39am #22. Borderlands 3 Eridium continues the franchise tradition, occupying the slot of the game's premium currency and the gatekeeper for players looking to customize their Vault Hunters with cool skins and solid weapons, the latter of which can often help the beginning of a long end-game grind towards the best legendary items available. Boardroom • Broodmother • Collaborator • Downsizer • Entrepeneur • Hivemind • Host • Longbow • Mogul • Outsourcer • Powerplay • Techspert, Acid Burn • Double Downer • Ember's Blaze • Guilty Spark • Just Kaus • Loop of 4N631 • LOV3M4CH1N3 • Melt Facer • Mendel's Multivitamin • MSRC Auto-Dispensary • Null Pointer • Pricker • Redistributor • Reunion • Short Stick • THE TWO TIME, Bitch • Brainstormer • Cheap Tips • Chupa's Organ • Conference Call • Convergence • Masterwork Crossbow • Crossroad • EMP • Face-puncher • Faulty Star • Fearmonger • Firestorm • Firewall • Front Loader • Gas Mask • Handsome Jackhammer • Heart Breaker • HOT Spring • Iceburger • Lightspeed • Nagata • Narp • Old God • Oldridian • Phebert • Predatory Lending • Proprietary License • Quasar • Re-Charger • Rectifier • Redistributor • Reflux • Slow Hand • Smog • Stop-Gap • Storm Front • Tankman's Shield • The Butcher • The Transformer • Ward • Widowmaker • Woodblocker • XZ41, Bangstick • Collaborator • Downsizer • Cyclotron • Elderblast • Everblast • Fastblast • Host • Interloper • Kielbasa • Longrider • Outsourcer • Poney • Powerblast • Protuberance • Scattergun • Shockwave • Stagecoach • Terminator, Black Flame • Blind Bandit • Chomper • Dakota • Fingerbiter • Melt Facer • Reunion • Sacrificial Lamb • Shrieking Devil • Splinter • The Cure • The Shoddy • Thumper, Anarchy • Blind Sage • Brainstormer • Brightside • Chandelier • Conference Call • Convergence • Creeping Death • Critical Thug • Face-puncher • Fearmonger • Flakker • Flama Diddle • Frequency • Heart Breaker • Hellwalker • Iceburger • Insider • Kill-o'-the-Wisp • Mind-Killer • Nimble Jack • Nothingness • One Pump Chump • Phebert • Polybius • Projectile Recursion • Redline • Reflux • Robin's Call • Shocker • Sledge's Shotgun • Slow Hand • Spade • Superstreamer • The Boring Gun • The Butcher • The Garcia • The Horizon • The Lob • The Tidal Wave • Tiggs' Boom • T.K's Wave • Trevonator • Vosk's Deathgrip. Shotgun Face-puncher is a legendary shotgun whose damage is tied to your melee damage. … [Face-puncher Variants] Face-puncher The Butcher - Stats & Traits; How to Get The Butcher; Find More About Legendary Weapons Here. Borderlands 3 General Discussion. For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Face puncher?" Which is really useful when you spec into a Brawl build as Amara. As the Face-puncher deals melee damage, it cannot score a critical hit. She wears a replica of Handsome Jack's face mask, T-shirt with Hyperion logo on it, and spews out praise about Hyperion's greatness. Last updated on Oct 25, 2019 at 07:10 by Kat 1 comment. Though players of Borderlands 3 recently discovered an incredibly strong build for FL4K in Mayhem 4, a new exploit is allowing for infinite damage. Nov 9, 2019 #3 M. Madman I'm just living life, as if I live twice. It is one of the best shotguns you can have in the game right and you can really achieve some insane things with this … If you're someone with a heavy melee build, or even just someone who prefers to get up close and personal, then this is the gun for you. The Face-puncher is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. All gun drops in the base, core game of Borderlands 3 have been updated and changed with the July 2020 patch. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. However, it does not receive the damage bonus from Amara's, The Face-puncher is extremely effective for the "Slayer" modifier in. Face-puncher - Weapon. In this page, you will … That does it for how to get the Face Puncher legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3 and what its perk does. So the optimal stats will be to get one with the 100% melee damage on action skill end. Borderlands 3 Face-puncher legendary shotgun is a new legendary weapon that you can get in the game. Since the arrival of Mayhem 2.0, Borderlands 3 is now in a weird, weird place.Mayhem 10 is where all the best loot … Once you’re done with the … Hyperion Element: However, it has a high chance of causing enemies to stumble on hit like a nor… Look no further, got you covered! If there’s a boss that drops randomized legendary loot, it could possibly drop from that as well. Mayhem 6 … The Facepuncher would probably be canonically best for Amara given her tendency to punch things, but it can also be enhanced with any Eridium artifacts that increase the power of melee attacks. Great for boss killing and mobbing. Login or register, it only takes a few seconds! The Face-puncher legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3 is a very strange beast. Do you actually want to shoot with your gun or stick with melee punching as long as they are in range? If there’s …
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