while (k < len) { Ice Wyvern Egg Locations 2018 General Ark … .append(' ' + group.n.replace(/DinoSpawnEntries_?|SpawnEntries_?/i, ''))); var spawnAmount = (spawnProbabilities[group.n] ? Spawn location for otters 60 LAT 30 LON Good luck! if (names.indexOf(spawn.n) == -1) { I killed a few Tappy then 3 of them spawn in a row. $legendContainer.append($detailsToggle); function showGroups(name) { Nowhere is really safe and it's possible that a passing predator will chomp you before you can even get up anywhere on the map. Ark Ragnarok Wyvern Egg Locations Map, List Of Maps, Ark Ragnarok Wyvern Egg Locations Map. } if (spawn.n == name || spawn.n == name2) { $select.change(); kilometer environment where elements from The Island, Scorched Earth, and all new biomes are combined to bring the ultimate survivor experience. } else { // name is a translation? names.push(spawn.n); It should work on any map that uses the default spawn distributions. }); Have fun. })) var kValue = o[k]; I have been searching all over the website and couldn't find anything to support my question. var offsetTop = parseFloat($mapContainer.data('bordertop')); Hey guys, looking for silica pearls on the new expansion ragnarok on ark? names.sort().forEach(function (name) { entry.s.forEach(function (npc) { The map features three Obelisks. bottom: Math.min(100, 100 * (100 - location.y2 - (100 - offsetBottom)) / mapHeight - heightAdjust).toFixed(1) + '%', groups.forEach(function (group) { var offsetLeft = parseFloat($mapContainer.data('borderleft')); But highlands has metal spawns close to beach and vikingbay doesn't if I remember correctly. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). I was very precise at my dot placements on this one! } 1 : npc.c; ); Mobile App users need to view this page in a browser to use the map fully. $mapGroup.hide(); if (translations[name]) { // translation for a name exists? var rarityClass = cssRarityClasses[spawnRarity]; showGroups($(this).val()); Every time I've spawned on Viking Bay 1, I've been snagged by a Dilo before the spawn animation even ends. if (groups.length) { .prop('title', 'lat ' + point.y + ', lon ' + point.x + (spawn.u ? This plugin changes the level distribution for dino spawns on all maps to match the higher levels seen on Ragnarok and The Center. right: Math.min(100, 100 * (100 - location.x2 - (100 - offsetRight)) / mapWidth - widthAdjust).toFixed(1) + '%'}) var $npcs = $('