When you run out of mana, it can be handy to have a bow to plink away at a distance, or even a melee weapon as a backup if you find a particularly good one. It keeps enemies at distance with Rune Vault, Bramble Wall, and Repulsion Hex. Well worth it. Particularly dangerous enemies get a Tangleshot followed immediately by Venomous Hail, which will usually kill them before the root wears off. Torchlight 2 Outlander Hybrid Build Here is a Torchlight 2 Outlander Hybrid Build / Guide submitted by Empyrean. It increases your knockback to truly ridiculous levels, and I use Rapid Fire. Your three core offensive skills are Rapid Fire (great for shotguns), Chaos Burst, and Shadowshot. Torchlight 2 Outlander Pistoleer Guide by TheMasterBlaster. Torchlight 2 is a pretty old game, but still, there are a lot of fans who loves the game. Grim Dawn: Demolitionist Build Guides for Beginners. It will improve the damage of every attack and every skill in your arsenal. 5 - STATS. More on that later. This Outlander kills at range while keeping enemies at bay. PC Games. My level 64 shooty Outlander currently has the following skills: Rapid Fire – 10 Rune Vault – 1 Venomous Hail – 9 Long Range Master – 12 Tangleshot – 1 Glaive Sweep – 1 Brambles – 1 Poison Burst – 9 Share the Wealth – 12 Repulsion Hex – 10 Stone Pact – 5 Master of the Elements – 12, No points to spare for Dodge yet. You have a lot of Strength so you should be able to use any of them. In the long run, it looks something like this: Outlander 54/48/30. 7 - PET SPELLS. This makes big slow shotguns awesome for them, and quick little pistols bad. Forum for Torchlight Modders Русская версия Torchlight Release year: 2009 Developer: Runic Games Database features: • Date 23.08.2015 • 2938 Items • Console name (cheats) • Windows-application Torchlight 2 Release year: 2012 Developer: Runic Games Database features: With this build, most enemies are dead before they reach you. Poison Burst gives you some crowd control abilities fairly early on, but it doesn’t trigger very often until you’ve got a few ranks in it. Torchlight II. Torchlight 2 Outlander Builds To aid in that benevolent cause, we have devised 4 builds for the class. I’ve experimented with various weapon types, and my preferred weapon is the Shotgun, because the two key skills I use (Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail) are based on your weapons’ damage per shot, not damage per second. Comments and Suggestions are highly appreciated. first up, i have a disclaimer: playing a physical outlander instead of a focus based one is the torchlight 2 equivalent of cutting yourself. I use it very frequently. Author: Arc Sosangyo. Rune Vault (1 Skill Point) Your first 1 point marvel lets you instantly move backward away from target. Para obtener más ayuda sobre Torchlight 2, lee nuestras Construcciones de Embermage, Outlander y Berserker. So finally I made a Fire based Embermage, it was alright. Sorry this is first of my torchlight game. The outlander has no skills that benefit cannons, and many skills require bows / pistols / shotguns. If you go Akimbo pistols, know that the damage for your skills is based on the pistol in your character’s right hand, so make sure the better pistol is in that slot. Feel free to pick it up and be nearly impossible to close on in melee. The percentage based mana steal means it takes no more than two shots to fill my empty mana gauge completely. If you decide to go with Chaos Burst or Shadowshot, it doesn’t matter so much what weapon you use. The Outlander is proof enough, that dexterity should have handled ranged weapon dps, not strength. Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgun Build Guide, Torchlight 2 Outlander Hybrid Build Guide, Torchlight 2 Engineer Summoner Build Guide, Torchlight 2 Berserker Dual Claws Build Guide, War Thunder Ground Forces Comprehensive Guide. If you get Poison Burst you might have to hold off on Dodge for a while, or sacrifice points elsewhere. By default, Torchlight 2 only allows you to respec your last three skill points (at a steep cost.) Bow users don’t have anything specific to them, but if you want to use a bow, get Long Range Mastery. One point into Cursed Daggers isn’t a terrible idea; it cuts enemy damage by 20% for 8 seconds at a cost of 18 mana, and it gives a nice icon over their heads so you can keep track of guys more easily. I play Torchlight 2 to not have to care. PC Games. They are based off of DPS instead of your damage per shot, so whatever you’ve got is fine. Torchlight 2 Engineer Builds. 1 - INTRODUCTION. First up, I have a disclaimer: playing a physical Outlander instead of a Focus-based one is the Torchlight 2 equivalent of cutting yourself. Basically, this build is about blasting, stunning, and blinding enemies using shotgonne while summoning shadowlings. Hello, I'm a noob to this game and forum. It’s handy for stopping enemies that have charge attacks from using them, and it’s dirt cheap at 11 mana. It increases the range and damage of your crossbow period. A note on respecs. The shotgun build is more consistent damage and has great crowd control as you said. This is a pure Outlander dual pistol build. by Arc Sosangyo 2. You can also blow up your own brambles to trigger Poison Burst, which is handy if you’re using Venomous Hail. – jw013 Jan 22 '13 at 23:14 oh I did not know that.. sorry this is first of my torchlight game. Stone Pact is worth whatever you want to put into it. He also make apps as a side hustle. As a shotgunner, Rapid Fire gives you a significant increase over your base DPS, and some useful range besides. 9 - BEST SOCKETS. Now at lvl 30-ish, my execution probability is about 35%, so every third shot is an execution. Arc Sosangyo (author) on August 02, 2015: Hairstyles, Cool Cuts, How to Style Your Hair. At least one rank in Rune Vault is mandatory for every Outlander. So lest cover this topic now. These builds are on level 100, with 145 points distributed in the skills and 495 in the stats. I've been trying to develop a good character build for the outlander class. Shadowshot works better out in the open so the secondary shots don’t just hit a wall before they can find a target. It’s based on shooting with the shotgonne and … This is great for keeping you safe from melee opponents, but it’s extremely annoying. Reminiscent of the Vanquisher in the original Torchlight, the outlander is a class primarily focused on using ranged weapons such as pistols, shotguns and My first outlander build was a left-clicker (auto-attacker) dual pistol outlander, but I've discovered soon enough that it wasn't viable in elite. More points makes it useful enough that you can scamper around through it and get some useful regen that stacks with potions when the crap hits the fan. Outlander Possibilities Summoner - Outlander Skill Core (This may be one of my sparsest builds, because it's very flexible and based on spell scrolls. This build is tons of fun, and it has several good defensive and offensive skills. It lets you avoid dangerous situations. With this build, most enemies are dead before they reach you. At level 42, the shotgunner gets the best skill on his list: Venomous Hail. 4 - LEVELING. It can hit enemies on different elevations, or behind cover, or in different rooms. The cost for rank 1 is 9 mana and the cost for rank 5 is 12 mana, so it’s cheap if you keep it low. Torchlight 2 Engineer Builds This guide will provide you with a few Engineer builds. This is my first full play through on Torchlight 2 believe it or not, I was always a Diablo/POE/Grim Dawn guy. maybe you feel guilty and you need to punish yourself, or maybe the suffering just makes you feel more alive, but whatever it is, you’ve decided to. First up, I have a disclaimer: playing a physical Outlander instead of a Focus-based one is the Torchlight 2 equivalent of cutting yourself. Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgonne Build Guide by Krummer. If you plan a pistol build, max this skill and throw away your pistol build asap. The range is gigantic. Torchlight 2 outlander shotgun build guide by empyrean. "Torchlight 2": Poison Weapon Outlander Build Guide for Beginners. Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgun Build Guide by Empyrean. 1 Warfare 1.1 Active Skills 1.2 Passive Skills 2 Lore 2.1 Active Skills 2.2 Passive Skills 3 Sigil 3.1 Active Skills 3.2 Passive Skills Rapid Fire (Level 1): You fire a rapid fire burst of projectiles that force enemies back and strip away their armor. The maximum amount of levels in Torchlight 2 is 100. And I don’t like pet classes at all. Most shotguns require dexterity, most cannons require strength. Builds Charge. To enhance their elemental damages and to level up easier, this build will prioritize the Focus attribute more than Dexterity. 8 - HINTS. It hits 8 times to start with, up to 12 times at rank 10, and can trigger on-hit and on-kill weapon effects (but not life/mana steal) like Poison Burst or whatever DoTs you have listed on your weapon. You should be seeing the pattern here: every shooty Outlander should get Long Range Mastery and max it out. Some builds can swap between weapon types easily, while others are more specialized based on skill selection. It’s a huge improvement over how things used to be. PC Games. The build offensively rules with Long Range Mastery, Akimbo, Marksmanship, Dual Wielding, huge amount of Strength, and of course, Dual Pistol.. If you plan a shotgonne build, you should max this skill obviously. Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgun Build Guide; Torchlight 2 Character Guide; The outlander has no skills that benefit cannons, and many skills require bows / pistols / shotguns. In any case, I am doing it for my friends who asked for this Torchlight 2 Classes guide. That means that you get a chance to distribute 100 skill points, but 495 stat points. Shotgun Mastery applies its effects to any skill based on weapon damage with the exception of Rune Vault (which requires 10 ranks before it does this, but isn’t worth it) even the ones that don’t use a gun at all. Torchlight II Guides This DW Berserker build will focus on both damage and survival to survive tough battles, specially in Elite Mode. It is why the Outlander will always be the unofficial bastard child of Torchlight 2. This is a decent option for shotgunners who don’t rely on Repulsion Hex to clear enemies away. ... indeed, I am playing with an outlander with dual pistols. If you have 109 and max all the appropriate skills, you can hit the dodge cap, but nice round numbers appeal me more than putting one more stat point into something else. All Discussions ... My first outlander build was a left-clicker (auto-attacker) dual pistol outlander, but I've discovered soon enough that it wasn't viable in elite. Inflict powerful weapon damage as poison. You’ll want Master of Elements if you go for Poison Burst early, and definitely by the time you get Venomous Hail. Range is 7 meters. Personally, firing ar enemies using shotgonne is really entertaining especially during early levels. A lot of them will miss anyway even on open terrain. He also make apps as a side hustle. Rapid Fire has useful breakpoints at 5 ranks (increases the damage output by 50%) and 10 ranks (increases the range to 12 meters). The build offensively rules with Long Range Mastery, Akimbo, Marksmanship, Dual Wielding, huge amount of Strength, and of course, Dual Pistol.. no wonder i can't find skills to benefit cannon. Maybe you feel guilty and you need to punish yourself, or maybe the suffering just makes you feel more alive, but whatever it is, you’ve decided to use guns or bows instead of throwing that ridiculous overpowered glaive like everybody else. One rank in Bramble Wall and Glaive Sweep lets you fill up your charge bar outside of combat, and they have in-combat uses for crowd control and distraction even with just one point in each. Torchlight 2: Armor Shredder Dual Pistols Outlander Build Guide. I should have stopped at 110. It keeps enemies at distance with Rune Vault, Bramble Wall, and Repulsion Hex. The skills i'm deciding on are Glaive throw, Rapid Fire, and Chaos Burst. This skill is your panic button. As you put more points into it, it can hold off more and more enemies. I would suggest just picking one of these, and not selecting Rapid Fire if you are using pistols. If you have two good mana stealing pistols, use them both. It ramps up to 34 at 15 ranks though, so don’t go further than 5. Once you hit level 40 and get tier 2 Rapid Fire, your range is such that you don’t have to worry about Repulsion Hex pushing enemies out of range. Shotguns have some trouble with it, as it can push your targets out of range before your attack completes, which makes you do no damage. – jw013 Jan 22 '13 at 23:14 oh I did not know that. They walk that line closer than most other characters to begin with. You can get 5 ranks at level 10, and 10 ranks at level 40. This Outlander kills at range while keeping enemies at bay. You will always run out of mana and need more; fact of life as a shooty Outlander. 6 - SPELLS. 3 - SKILLS ANALYSIS. Your email address will not be published. This skill is fantastic. With this build, most enemies are dead before they reach you. You’ll keep it at one since you don’t have a ton of extra skill points floating around, but if you want to take it to five and try to use it for mana stealing that’s an option. Basically, this build is about blasting, stunning, and blinding enemies using shotgonne while summoning shadowlings. It benefits from both Strength and Focus, which is great, but you should only be getting points in Strength so that’s mostly just an academic point for you. Torchlight II; Recommend a class and/or "fun" build? For now, just know that if you keep raising your Dex to equip the best guns before your level allows you to, you will end up with a crap character, and shooty Outlanders don’t have a whole lot of margin for screwing up before they’re utterly worthless. 2 - SKILLS. Shotgonne Mastery grants the Shooty Outlander the ability to cripple bosses completely, making this an invaluable must have skill for every decent outlander. by Arc Sosangyo 0. Arc is a self-help author/speaker and AI thinker currently working as IT Manager in a tech company. If you’re using Rapid Fire, don’t get Shotgun Mastery. I was thinking of only using one of these 3 skills in my build and i was wondering which was best, or if i should use more than one. Popular. One rank in Tangleshot is cheap and snares one target with perfect reliability, although the guys nearby are a toss-up. Torchlight 2: Poison Weapon Outlander Build Guide. I know I told some people I was going to post my shootylander build next, but I came upon something so utterly bizarre in my testing that I had to make a build around it. Torchlight II Guides This build will focus on using Poison based or Elemental skills in the Outlander skill trees. Thus, you may already be so far in that these builds are impossible to use. I started with a 50/50 split between Strength and Dex until I got to 115 Dex, and then put everything into Strength from that point on. Shotgun Mastery seems like a no-brainer for shotgun users, but I actually passed on this skill. But this time I found an extremly fun close-range ranged spec for Outlander. by Arc Sosangyo 1. Torchlight 2 Best Outlander Build; Torchlight 2 Engineer Build; Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgun Build Guide by EmpyreanFirst up, I have a disclaimer: playing a physical Outlander instead of a Focus-based one is the Torchlight 2 equivalent of cutting yourself. Torchlight 2 Outlander Build ... (I don't mention things like shotgun mastery because this build is flexible, but if you are going to shotgun get shotgun mastery. The Outlander is a science experiment got awry. It doesn’t boost your damage. Chaos Burst is great for confined spaces where it can bounce off of things and hit multiple times. Torchlight 2 Outlander Shotgun Build Guide by Empyrean. Great skill. User Info ... Then I tried to do a Outlander build I found online and just ended up spamming Glave, it seemed like it wasn't any different than my previous Embermage. If you get both of these skills at the same time, you’ll blast enemies out of range before you can kill them. Repulsion Hex is mandatory for non-shotgun builds, and will more or less make you untouchable by small numbers of melee enemies. Arc is a self-help author/speaker and AI thinker currently working as IT Manager in a tech company. The first thing you need to know about shooty Outlanders is that too much Dex is crap, but you need some anyway.
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